Artist Atelier

Single family house design

The site is located on the southern area of Taipei City, a small hills on the edge between the city and river called Treasure Hill. On the riverside of the hill is the art village which gathers many local and international artists. The site new atelier take place on the urban side of the hill which is only few steps away from the main village. This side features the specialty of being the boundary that sits on the nature but embraces the full view toward city.

The design idea was to develop each required functions as a unit volume and then put them together like playing building blocks by consider their relationship to each other according to the artist requirements. After the combination was set, the envelope was carved to have proper opening toward the both city side and the nature side of the site. Therefore the house could be surrounded by decent nature lights and views.


Location Taipei City, Taiwan


Taichung Cultural Center _ Taichung City, Taiwan


UnSteadium_ Catalytic Detroit